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Assistance for Victims of Sexual Misconduct
Anyone who wishes to bring forward a complaint of sexual misconduct on the part of church personnel is encouraged to contact a victim advocate who will assist the person to take whatever steps the victim feels are appropriate to resolve the issue. (Confidentiality is assured to anyone who speaks with them.)
Victim Assistance Advocates for the Diocese of St.Cloud are:
Roxann Storms, MSW, LICSW, FT, (320) 248-1563
(Confidential Line)
Jane Blee: St. Cloud (320) 251-3430
Tom Klecker: St. Joseph (320) 253-2866
Peggy Rezac: Fergus Falls (218) 731-5528 Rev.
Stanley Wieser: Wheaton (español) (320) 815-9696
Jennifer Wirz: Central MN (320) 339-0622
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