“I believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.” These words that end the Nicene Creed became the topic of conversation one day after morning Mass as a few parishioners gathered to share a cup of coffee. We were
questioning which of our bodies would be resurrected; a young slim 16-year-old body or an older version with a little more girth. I wondered if God would let us have a say in it. Fr. Bob Landsberger happen to be there with us that morning and he said to me, “Oh Deb, the body that will be resurrected will be a glorified body, more beautiful than you can imagine.” I was a bit taken back by the thought; that each of our bodies will be glorified and it immediately reminded me of the Gospel we hear today; the Gospel account of The Transfiguration.
Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, with him to a mountain top to pray and while he was praying Jesus was transfigured; “his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” And there with them stood two holy men “who appeared in glory” and spoke of how Jesus would leave Jerusalem. Even in their glory, the disciples recognized Moses and Elijah as their ancestors in faith.
This incredible incident was a prelude to how Jesus would be transformed from death into new life. It was a taste of the glory that his dying and rising would accomplish for all of us! That may be why Peter asked about building three tents, that they might remain there in that moment
of glory.
And then came the voice from a cloud that shadowed the brilliance and God spoke: “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Simple, direct instruction for the disciples and for us: “Listen to him.” When and how do we listen to the Son of God? Are we intentional about hearing the Word that is shared at Mass? Do we spend time in prayer reading the Word of God? Are our hearts and minds open that we might hear Jesus speaking to us? Listen to him. Take time and be deliberate. Listen to him. If we can do that and then go forth and live our lives according to what Jesus has spoken, then we, too, will be glorified. We too, will become dazzling as we stand with Jesus Christ. By our faith and our actions, we will know the beauty of eternal life – we will be transfigured in glory beyond our imagining!
In awe and wonder of Jesus Christ,
Deb Rudolph