News & Events
April 15
Contribution statements are available for pickup in the Gathering Place.
2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
If you have yet to see our 2025 Video, please take a moment to learn more about ministries that bring hope and help build the kingdom of God right here in Central Minnesota. You can use your smartphone or visit
“I’ll be home for Christmas”...but before that, I want to see how Europe prepares for Christmas from December 5-15, 2025. Join Fr. Steve Binsfeld aboard an Ama Waterways river cruise ship through towns brimming with Christmas decor and holiday spirit. Your journey begins with a 2-night stay in Lucerne followed by a 7-night cruise down the Rhine. Do your Christmas shopping as you visit great Christmas markets. Enjoy restaurants, open-air wine gardens and special holiday street food at each stop: Basel, Breisach, Strasbourg, Rüdesheim, Dusseldorf, Cologne and Amsterdam. View iconic landmarks and majestic mountains along the way. Amidst the Christmas traditions, we’ll celebrate Advent with Mass each day. Give yourself a Christmas gift; register online at, call Magi Travel at 952-949-0065 or email
40 Days For Life Spring/Lenten campaign runs from Ash Wed, March 5th to Sun, April 13th 2025. From 7am-7pm MON-FRI, we are out doing peaceful, prayerful VIGIL on the sidewalk in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in East St Cloud. We PRAY for an End to MN Abortion’s and for a Return to the Culture of LIFE!!! Beginning & Ending Rally’s are Sat’s March 8 and April 12th, both 10am-noon, beginning at the Vigil site in front of Planned Parenthood and proceeding to St Aug’s for prayer, pizza, and program. We need YOU to come join us in the peaceful, prayerful presence for this intention! Opening Rally (MARCH 8) speaker is Russ Rooney from “Life Legal Minnesota” Talk at 11am: “TRUTH, TESTIMONY, TRAUMA” THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
March 5-April 13
40 Days For Life Spring/Lenten campaign runs from Ash Wed, March 5th to Sun, April 13th 2025. From 7am-7pm MON-FRI, we are out doing peaceful, prayerful VIGIL on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood in East St Cloud. We PRAY for an End to MN Abortions and for a return to the Culture of LIFE!!! Beginning & Ending Rallies are Sat March 8 and April 12th, both 10am-noon, beginning at the Vigil site in front of planned parenthood and proceeding to St Aug’s for prayer, pizza, and program. Opening Rally (MARCH 8) speaker is Russ Rooney from “Life Legal Minnesota” Talk at
THANK YOU & God Bless
AA Group Meetings at St. Francis Xavier. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, St. Francis Xavier hosts a local AA group which meets every Thursday at 6:30pm in Xavier Hall. Attendees should go to the east side of the Xavier Hall - Door X3 and down to the basement. If you have questions, please contact Denny K. at 320-224-7785.
AA Group Meetings – Mayhew Lake
AA MEETING at Annunciation Church Hall starting on Thursday, May 16th at 7pm. Meetings will be held everyweek. Anyone touched by alcohol in anyway are invited. Call Lori for more info. 320-406-8742.
In Matthew Kelly's book, 33 Days to Eurcharisric Glory, he shares Mother Teresa's advice, "If I can give any advice, I beg you to get closer to the Eucharist and to Jesus. We must pray to Jesus to give us that tenderness of the Eucharist.” Matthew Kelly states, "You need the habit of Adoration. How often, I don't know. For how long? I don't know. That is between you and God, but it was central to the lives of the saints, and I encourage you to make it central to your life even if it's only for one hour each month". "Spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist will transform you and your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine".
Adoration inquiries, please text or call Barb Johnson: 320-493-0302 or Peggy Weber: 320-259-7841 The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is at The Church of St. Anthony in St. Cloud and is available to all. Enter through the East door. The chapel is normally open 6am to 6pm. Evening and night hours are available with a fob.
We are so excited to welcome so many new adoration chapel captains! We are specifically looking to add some men to our committee, so if you have been feeling called to commit to an hour of prayer or to help with supporting the chapel by being
a captain – please contact Nicky Carlson: Here are our most urgent hours of need:
Monday 1-2AM,
Tuesday 4-5AM,
Wednesday 11PM,
Thursday 7AM.
If you are interested in committing to an hour that is not listed – please email Nicky. Many of our adorers would appreciate a prayer partner so that if one of you cannot make it due to illness, other commitment, etc – you have a built in sub. Also, if your schedule does not permit you to commit to a specific hour, but you would like to be able to spend time with Jesus in the chapel – please reach out to find out more about our perpetual adoration chapel. Thank you! -
“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
All Women of St. Francis...
All women of the parish are invited to be part of this organization. If you are interested in hearing more about who we are, what we do and how often we meet, please contact Aggie at 320-252-1417 or make plans to attend our first meeting of the new year on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM in our parish gathering place. Please consider becoming a member
We welcome the following children, baptized into our parish family and the Christian community:
Atlas Donald Groshong, son of Josh and Abby, from St. Francis Xavier.
March 28-30
Are you feeling the loss of a spouse through death, separation or divorce? You don’t need to suffer alone? Beginning Experiences will help! Just give us one weekend. You’ll meet people who have gone through the same things you are going through. Our next weekend is March 28-30, 2025. Cost for the weekend is $190.00. It includes the program and materials, lodging, and 5 meals. Please call Central MN BE at:320-319-8863
Monday evenings
Bells of the Heart is welcoming new members. Playing in a handbell choir is a great way to have fun, socialize, and to learn new things. Playing handbells is easiest when you have prior experience reading music or playing an instrument. New ringers will be paired with experienced ringers. Students in grade 6 and older are welcome to join with a parent or guardian who will also ring bells. The choir is based out of Sacred Heart Parish but is open to all members of our Area Catholic Community as space allows. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings, and we play for Mass at SH approximately once a month. Contact Sarah Woeste at 320-251-8115 x116 for more information.
April 8
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 12:30pm - 6:30pm
SFX Gathering Space.
You can register now to give blood by contacting the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or and enter SFX to schedule an appointment.
As we get ready to start another busy year of activities, we know space in the bulletin will start to get tight. With that in mind, we have a few requests for bulletin submissions. 1) Have your submissions for the community pages written out and to Jill Lieser in the office (by Monday at 8am for the bulletin being published that coming weekend. For example, for the October 7th/8th bulletin, community page submissions should be in by October 2nd. 2) Be brief. Paragraphs of details makes it hard to fit all submissions in. If your submission is lengthy, it may be edited for length. Please make sure there is a contact for additional information. 3) Let us know how long you would like the submission to run for. If it is in the bulletin for multiple weeks, we may need to pull it out for a week or two to allow room for new submissions. We will always try to run it again as the end date approaches.
Bible in a Year
In The Bible in a Year podcast,Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. Listen and…Read the ENTIRE Bible, Feel more confident about your understanding of Scripture, experience the transformative power of God’s Word in your daily life, start seeing the world through the lens of Scripture.
Even if you did it last year! Do it again! You will be blessed!
The hope for this group is to provide a supportive setting for those with cancer/major medical conditions (and/or their loved ones) that will include prayer and opportunities to share personal experiences of God's grace and blessings when such illnesses are a part of life. There will be an introductory meeting on Friday, May 3rd at 9:30am in Xavier Hall. Please join us if you can. If this date is NOT good, but you are interested in future participation, please call the parish office 320-252-1363 to speak with Sandee or Tom or email,, or Jim Negen at The plan is to hear input from others in designing the structure and to hold monthly meetings.
Join the Catholic Advocacy Network. The Network is an initiative of the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC). When you sign up, you will receive a bi-weekly email of resources that will provide formation on the Catholic faith and information on issues impacting life, dignity, and the common good. MCC also sends occasional action alerts that equip you to take action to transform Minnesota by contacting your elected officials on key issues. To join, go to You can also text CAN to 651-998-7322.
April 16
I'm looking for helpers with church cleaning just ahead of Easter. If you are able, please join me on Wednesday, April 16th at 2:30pm. We will wipe down pews and kneelers and dust throughout the worship space, gathering place and other areas as needed. We have the cleaning cloths, Murphy's Oil Soap and pails - bring your own rubber gloves. Any questions, please contact Tom in the parish office - or email
April 2
Please join us for 1st Wednesday Coffee & Rolls on Wednesday, April 2, after the 8 am Mass.
April 9
Communal Reconciliation services will take place on April 9 at 7:15pm and April 12 at 12:00pm.
Social Concerns is recruiting volunteers to help with construction support at Compassionate Hope Family Center (Transitional housing for families). Days and times of the project will vary depending on the availability of the help we receive. The tasks involve painting, flooring install, some bathroom upgrades, replacing blinds and curtains, etc. We can also use donations for supplies. Contact Dcn Joe if you have interest in serving one of these needs
Thursdays (2nd & 4th)
-March 27, 2025 1-3 pm All are welcome! Cribbage and 500 tables. Contact Sandee Kremers with any questions.
Castaway 2025
March 28-30
Friday-Sunday, March 28-30 at the Castaway Club in Detroit Lakes. This is a retreat for grades 9-12. This weekend is filled with powerful prayer, fun skits, inspirational speakers, music, Mass and many faith growing opportunities. Come together with over 300 others and strengthen your relationship with God. Cost is $200 until 2/10/25, $220 after 2/10/25. Contact Jennifer Kaweesa at 320-290-1019 for more details.
Catholic Charities Food Shelf
2nd weekend of the month
Drop off for cash or food items will be the 2nd weekend of the month throughout the year at Sacred Heart and Annunciation.
Central MN Catholic Magazine
Have you read The Central Minnesota Catholic magazine? Do you follow the Diocese of St. Cloud on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram? Have you visited the diocesan websites for resources? All of these communication tools that inform us of the latest Catholic news are supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Keep the news coming by contributing at
On October 26 the diocese is offering three events aimed at engaging adults in their faith. Adults are welcome to attend all three events or choose the ones that work in their schedule. All three events are taking place in St. Joseph, MN. The titles of the day are: Are You Ready?...for Surprise, Newness, Letting Go, Healing and Grace; The Lord has Done Great Things for Us…Are You Ready...for a FREE Concert? Please look to the stuffer for more details and costs.
Viewers in the St. Cloud Diocese can watch the Mass on KSTC-45 at 11am each Sunday via cable, satellite or antenna (check your cable provider for channel number). Charter Communication airs the Mass on Channel 17.
A great way to support St. Francis Xavier is by electronic giving. SFX has opportunities to set up for direct transfers to the parish from your bank account or giving by credit card. You can charge your credit card and the payment goes directly to the parish. It saves writing a check out each week or month as well. Call Tom in the parish office to learn more - 320-252-1363. Additionally, many banks offer “bill pay”. Donations to your parish are not a bill, but that is the terminology used. This is done online from your home, but if you need help, visit your bank and they can help you get set up.
Need help paying your Energy Bills? Greater Minnnesota Gas, Inc. (GMG) would like to remind residential homeowners or renters of the Energy Assistance Program (EAP). This federally funded program helps pay for home heating costs, may assist with furnace repairs and could offer energy efficiency home upgrades for income qualified customers. Please call 1-800-657-3710 for Assistance. If you have any questions, please call us from 8:00 am –4:30 pm Monday—Friday.
St. Anthony's Chapel— Come and see! Jesus is truly present here in the Eucharist and wants to fill you with good things!! Come for a few minutes or stay an hour. Make it a Lenten sacrifice or a Eucharistic Revival prayer. Prayerfully consider committing to a weekly hour of adoration. Your heart will be changed!
Church of St. Anthony
2405 1st St N. St Cloud
The East door is open 6am to 6pm. Text or call Peggy at 320-259-7841 for more information. Thank you.
Fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate bars and hot chocolate mixes will be available for sale after Mass this weekend.
There are a few different coffee roasts – some whole bean, some ground and a decaf option as well. Coffee, tea and chocolate make great gifts for the Easter basket!
Middle School SMALL GROUP LEADERS & ASSISTANTS NEEDED! We are looking for 1– 6th Grade Small Group Leader also looking for 2 assistant leaders, 3- 7th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders, 2- 8th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders. Please contact Sandee Kremers at or 320- 252-1363 for information or with questions. We will have a four station model this year and you will be leading your students to each station and facilitating the lesson for each station. You will have the lessons for the year in hand at our Leader Meeting which will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the Gathering Space. We need you for this program – parents – grandparents- seniors – college students – young adults … you ALL qualify! Come join us – you will grow your faith and will be a mentor to a young person! Thank you!
We are currently in need of the following for teachers/ co-teachers for the upcoming faith formation year for Grades 1-5. The curriculum is fun and easy to use. All materials are prepared for you in advance. All you need to do is read through the materials and show up for class.
4:45-5:45 Session
Grade 1- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 2- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 3- 1 Teacher and 1 Assistant Teacher
Grade 4- 2 Teachers and 3 Assistant Teachers
Grade 5- 2 Assistants
6:30-7:30 Session
Grade 1-Co Teacher
Contact Melissa Fox at 320-761-2217 or
FAITH FORMATION – Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed for 9th grade! We are in need of 1 set of small group leaders and 5 co-leaders. There will be structured class time 2 times a month and then Aftershock once a month. Our year will be focused on Catholic Social Teaching. Contact Melissa Fox if you are interested or would like more info at
Are you looking for some mid-winter family fun? Join us at St. Francis Xavier in Sartell from 11:00 am—4:00 pm for a day of fun celebrating our Catholic faith. Cost is only $25 per family (no matter the size) and the day will include a free carnival, family games, lunch, age-appropriate activities and Mass. Register your family at https://
Calling all volunteers age 55+!! You have many opportunities to make a difference in the life of a child at local schools, childcare centers or KIDSTOP programs.
Help children succeed!
*Only 260 hours per year
*Tax-free Stipend
*Travel reimbursement
*Training provided
Contact Sue at 320-229-4589 Linda (Vouk) Midas at 223-0409 or email Sue at for more information.
It is a wonderful gift to give to your family. It ensures your wishes are honored and eases the burden on your loved ones during a difficult time. Contact Sandee Kremers to set up an appointment or if you have any questions.
Funeral Blesssings
Remember in your prayers the family of John Schaefer, who passed away on March 6 and Ken Sahlin, who passed away on March 6 , from St. Francis Xavier.
Eternal Rest grant unto them Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them
Hey, Mama! Looking for the village everyone says it takes? Here we are!
Join us for encouraging distraction-free fellowship, relevant discussions, mentorship, playdates, mom’s night out and childcare. For all stages of motherhood. Questions, contact them at
Grief Support Group CHANGE IN SCHEDULE!
1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY
The Grief Group will meet again starting in August on the 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month. All are welcome! Any questions please contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 x403 or
Have you suffered a significant THE CHOSEN-SEASON 4-SARTELL
loss? A death?
Tuesdays from 4:00-5:20 pm at
Sacred Heart. Deacon Joe Kresky will facilitate about four sessions supporting those healing from a loss. For questions or to sign up, call or text Deacon Joe at 320-292-4857.
April 5
Gerard Thomas Straub is this year’s speaker at the annual Father Wil Illies “Heart Speaks to Heart” Memorial Lecture. Straub’s multimedia presentation, "A Pilgrimage fromHollywood to Haiti: Searching for God through Poverty, Prayer, and Action” will feature selected clips from his films from impoverished areas around the world. Straub, who seeks the Face of God in the eyes of those experiencing poverty, will help us reflect on our own journey in making God’s love real in our own ways.
Join us on Sat, April 5th, at 6:30 pm, Christ Church Newman Center—Terrace, 396 1st Ave. S, St. Cloud. Free and open to all.
Although there are shelters for the homeless in this area there is not enough room for 100 people. IDS reported that over 600 children were without permanent shelter this past year. Shelters that serve the children, women and men in the St Cloud area are: Place Of Hope 203-7881, Homeless Helping Homeless 342-2232 and the Salvation Army 252-4552. They are in need of volunteers and donations. Thank you for helping! - Submitted by Ken Wendinger
We are looking for volunteers to visit parishioners that are in the hospital or homebound. Contact Sandee Kremers at 320- 252-1363 or
Helping Hands Outreach
Helping Hands Outreach
Senior Dining - Wednesday’s at The Rusty Nail at noon followed by cards. Cost-$6.00 per meal. Feet First Clinic - Call Helping Hands to set up an appointment. 320-746-9960.
In Home Communion
If you are interested in receiving communion in your home or you know of someone who might be interested, please contact Sandee Kremers x1103 or
Join the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are a men’s fraternal organization that stand by the principals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Bishop Trobec Council 5276—Sartell, St. Stephen, and St. Wendell is active in our communities. We support vocations, family, pro-life and those in need. Recent donations include cash for the St. Stephen Parish Festival and the Franny Flyer 5k/10k/1 mile and Kids 1k Fun Run, donations to youth groups at both parishes, and more. You see the KC’s helping with hospitality and serving food at youth events. To learn more contact Grand Knight Adam Fasen (320-282-7083), Tom Offerdahl(320-290-3228), or any other Knight you may know.
April 26
Bishop Trobec Council 5276 Knights of Columbus will be at the 2 Sartell Coborn's stores on Friday, April 25th & Saturday April 26th in addition to being at both St. Francis Xavier and The Church of St. Stephen after each Mass on the weekend.
They will be handing out Tootsie Rolls and accepting donations. All proceeds go to support youth and adults with special needs. WE make donations to the Sartell-St. Stephen Special Education department, The Special Olympics, Camp Courage in Annandale & more. Your generosity in supporting this is appreciated.
The following days and times are scheduled for individual Lenten Reconciliation around the Diocese.
Thursday, March 9, 6:30pm—St. Joseph, (WP)
Monday, March 17, 6:30pm—St. Anthony
Tuesday, March 18, 6:30pm—Holy Spirit
Tuesday, March 25, 7pm—St. Francis Xavier
Thursday, March 27, 6:30pm—Sacred Heart
Tuesday, April 1, 6:30pm—Christ Church Newman Center
Thursday, April 3, 6:30pm—St. Paul
Tuesday, April 8, 6:30pm—St. John Cantius
Saturday, April 12, 1pm—St. Peter
Tuesday, April 15, 6:30pm—St. Mary’s Cathedral
April 1
Join St. Francis Xavier’s Health & Wellness Team for a free Lenten series titled “Life’s Challenges from a Christian Perspective” in the St. Francis Xavier Church Gathering Space, 219 2nd Street S, Sartell.
This evening series covers the following topics from 6-7 p.m.
April 1: Stress & Anxiety by Bethany Tollefson, Faith Community Nurse
An optional soup and sandwich meal will be available from 5:30-6 p.m. for a free-will offering. Registration is encouraged by contacting Sandee Kremers at 252-1363 or Attend one or all four nights.
Liturgy of the Word for Children at St. Francis Xavier is looking for volunteers to help with this treasured ministry. If you enjoy working with our children and love to share stories about Jesus, this is the ministry for you! If interested, please contact Jennifer at and we will get you set up to begin. Our sessions for this ministry begin in October and run through May. You will be on a rotating schedule with other volunteers and can either lead a session on your own or co-lead with another volunteer.
Please be generous in your giving to the food shelf this month. It is Minnesota Food Share Month. This campaign started in 1982 in the Twin Cities metro area. It was so successful that it went statewide in 1983. Different organizations and businesses donate to the Food Fund to make matching grants available. This makes food and cash donations double and triple. In addition, Catholic Charities Food Shelf is doing its annual Pack the Porches. This takes place on Friday, March 28th from 7:00am to 1:00pm. We hold off until this day to make our delivery because the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union on Pine Cone Road is a drop-off site. In addition, Coborn's matches fund and food donations up to $15,000. And thanks to those in our parish who help hand out bags, collect food and deliver it in our food shelf ministry. Special thanks to those who went the Caritas Food Shelf this past January. The need is great. Thank you for supporting the food shelf - always!
After Easter, the road construction will begin in full force in our neighborhood. 2nd St. N from the corner of our property at 4th Ave all the way east to the bottom of the hill by Dezurik's will be redone. There are other streets in our neighborhood that will see construction as well. This includes, new water & sewer lines, curb & gutters, sidewalk and street replacement. This will make entry into the north parking lot of campus a challenge and school, church, and event pick-up and drop-off will require extra planning and care to keep everyone safe. As more is known, the information will be shared. Please show courtesy and be patient as we go through this process
We have One in Christ ACC shirts and hats in stock! We have a few of the gray crew neck shirts left in sizes L-2XL. We also have the new blue shirts with white ACC logo in both crew neck and V-neck. Shirts and hats are $15 each. If you are interested, call or stop by your parish office.
Interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic? We invite you to O.C.I.A. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) formally called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.), is a process of faith formation that recognizes the uniqueness of each Individual’s faith journey. For adults who have not been baptized or were baptized in another Christian tradition and desire to explore becoming Catholic and for adults baptized in the Catholic faith and seeking to be
Confirmed? We also invite you to inquire into the process of helping you to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church and receive the tremendous blessings that all the sacraments of initiation provide. Interested or Have Questions? Contact Fr. Ron Weyrens, Fr. Tom Knoblach, Deacon Joe Kresky, Deacon Terry Jancik or Sandee Kremers.
Please pray for Trinatie Doconare & Ava Nicoll as they continue to prepare to be Fully Initiated into the Church at our Easter Vigil.
St. Francis Xavier has one AED in the church and one AED inside the school. However, they are not available 24/7. The outdoor AED cabinet would be placed by the playground and athletic fields so there is quick access anytime. We encourage you to make a donation online or send a check to Advocate for Health at 4067 Pine Point Road, Sartell, MN 56377. The online donation link is
"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you. This I command you: love one another."
John 15 16-17
Do you know of someone who is homebound and would like to receive a visit and Eucharist?
Do you know of someone who has been deployed or is in the military who would like to receive correspondence?
Or are you interested in doing homebound visits or corresponding with our active military?
Please contact Sandee Kremers as we continue to grow our Outreach Ministries. 320-252-1363 x1103
One in Christ Area Catholic Community (ACC) planning council
The One in Christ Area Catholic Community (ACC) planning council is looking for new members. Some members of this council have been serving for the past 3 years and their terms will be ending in December. The ACC council, with representatives from all 4 parishes, works to collaborate in providing for the needs of all the parishes in order to re-energize parishioners so all parishes can thrive. Please consider serving on this council as a representative from your parish. Contact your pastor if you are interested. Check out our website, for more information.
April 12
Palm Braiding with Lois Maciej April 12, 2025, at St. Stephen Parish Hall 2 classes: 12:30 - 2:30 or 3:00 - 5:00
Pre-registration required if you would like to make a Palm Fan (large braided palm in picture) so supplies can be ordered. An adult must accompany a child. Both classes are the same. You can sign up for one class or both if you want to spend more time braiding palms. Pre-register by calling St. Stephen Parish, 320-251-1520, by April 6.
The south parking lot has some work that needs to be done. A portion of the lot will be taken out and new pavement installed this summer. Based on bids from last year, the minimum cost of the fix will be $9,000. If more can be afforded, then a larger area will be done. To help with paying for this project, we are having a Patch the Parking Lot 50/50 Cash Raffle. Tickets are $50.00 each and only 400 will be sold. That would raise $20,000.00. Half will be awarded in prizes - leaving $10,000 for parking lot repairs.
Tickets sales begin the week of March 24th and will be available for purchase in the parish office and after Mass on weekends. The drawing will take place on Sunday, April 27th at 11:00am. We have had a handful of cash donations already as some parishioners have responded to the need for repairs. Thank you for your generosity. If you are interested in donating to the cause, all donations are accepted. Please contact Tom Offerdahl in the parish office if you have any questions.
Are you being called to spend time with the Lord in a beautiful and peaceful way? There are many opportunities to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with Jesus. The Saint Anthony’s Chapel is the only perpetual adoration chapel in town. We are especially in need of nocturnal adorers. Here are the most urgent hours: Sun 11pm-4am and Friday 12am-5am. If you could cover 1-2 of these hours, please contact Nicky Carlson to sign up at or text 320- 304-4199.
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you-1 Peter 5:7
4th Tuesday
St. Francis Xavier is scheduled the 4th Tuesday of the month starting in October to prepare, serve and clean up for a meal at Place of Hope. The dates for the year are as follows – 10/24, 11/28, 12/26, 1/23, 2/27, 3/26, 4/23, 5/28. We will start to prepare the meal at SFX and will finish the preparations at Place of Hope. We will need some adults to leave SFX at 3 pm and then we will need to pick up youth at 3:45 pm to help us finish preparing, serve and clean up. We will return to SFX at approximately 6:45 pm. We will need 10 people per date, and we will always need 3 adults per meal for chaperoning. We will take 6-12th graders with us or any age if accompanied by an adult. Contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 x403 or with any questions or to sign up.
We will still bring a meal in September but will not prepare, serve, and clean up. Look for more details next week on our September meal. Cash donations are always welcome to help us with the costs. All One in Christ Catholic Community are invited to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.
After many years of being the head person on the Prayer Line, Dorothy Frank will be retiring from this role. Thank you
Dorothy, for all of the years of service! We are looking for a new head of the prayer line. If interested, please contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 or
Please keep in your prayers: Jenna Nielson, Catechumen and Carson Thorstenson, Candidate. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide their journey this Lent!
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and painful time. At St. Francis Xavier we are here to support you through prayer and pastoral care. This summer is the perfect time to preplan your funeral. It is a great gift to your family to have all your wishes made in advance for the liturgy. If you would like to plan your funeral, please contact Sandee Kremers 320-252-1363.
Moms and babies need our help - LET’S DO OUR PART Beginning June 15 through June 23rd we will be accepting donations for the local ProLIFE Pregnancy Center, ELEVATE. For many years, Elevate had been known as Birthline, an agency established to help women who are facing an unexpected pregnancy by providing pregnancy testing, education support, counseling, help with needs for baby and much more. Right now, they really need help from all of us. Here is a list of baby items needed to help moms who are coming to ELEVATE.
Baby hygiene kits, New summer clothing (size 6 months and up), Baby wipes, socks (neutral colors), $10 and $20 gift cards (Target or Walmart), Diapers (sizes newborns, 3,4,5,6), White onesies (size newborn, 6 and 9 month) and Gas cards.
If you don’t feel like shopping, cash donations will be greatly appreciated as well. Make checks to: ELEVATE. Please bring your items to the designated area in the Gathering Place. As a ProLIFE parish, let us show our support to moms and their babies by packing the pack n’play to overflowing! Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!
Sponsored by St. Monica Christian Women of the parish
Prayer Team Needed
We are looking for people to join us on Wednesdays at Noon for weekly prayer! Prayer generally lasts about 15-20 minutes and we are praying for our new YoungLife area, our young people and for kids who aren't a part of our parish communities.
If you’d like to join the prayer team but are unable to Zoom, contact Jason Prigge for another opportunity.
Prayer Team Needed
We are looking for people to join us on Wednesdays at Noon for weekly prayer! Prayer generally lasts about 15-20 minutes and we are praying for our new YoungLife chapter, our young people and for kids who aren't a part of our parish communities. If you’d like to join the prayer team but are unable to Zoom, contact Jason Prigge for another opportunity. Scan for Zoom Link:
We are really excited to share that next year we will be moving to a family formation program for grades 1-9. We will also be offering programming for preschool and kindergartners on Wednesday's during the family formationtime. Please visit the website for more information. If you have questions, please reach out to Melissa or Sandee.
Remember in your prayers...
Remember in your prayers the family of Richard Maidl and Jackie McCann, who passed away on
December 31, from St. Francis Xavier.
Eternal Rest grant unto them Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.
April 15
The St. Monica Christian Women of St. Francis Xavier Parish invite everyone to join them on Tuesday, April 15, at 6:30 PM in Xavier Hall. They have invited guest speakers from the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center to talk about what’s happening in our local areas in regards to sex trafficking, what things to watch out for and how we can support their efforts at their upcoming fundraiser walk on May 3. Please help us spread the word to others and make plans to attend. The Christian Women will then meet for a brief meeting.
The St. Francis Social Justice Concerns Committee is holding a sock and towel drive. Place your NEW bath size towels in the barrel and NEW socks in the box in the Gathering Space. Collecting now thru Lent.
During Lent
The St. Francis Social Justice Concerns Committee is holding a sock and towel drive. Place your NEW bath size towels in the barrel and NEW socks in the box in the Gathering Space. Collecting now thru Lent.
April 25
The Gathering in the Arts committee is holding its annual Bling Sale on Friday, April 25 from 4 - 7 pm in the Gathering Place.
If you have been putting off cleaning your closets and jewelry boxes, this is a good time to consider doing it. We will be collecting new, vintage and slightly used jewelry, scarves & handbags beginning March 10 - April 13. Please place items outside the parish office in the designed boxes. Questions contact Geri 320-255-7009. Thank you.
St Benedict's Senior Community recently resumed their Saturday 3:30pm Mass. In the past, this was very well attended. Might you or someone you know be interested in this ministry? Come and join us for Mass and simply be open to the Holy Spirit. We are in need of sacristans, lectors, eucharistic ministers, servers, greeters, etc. This could be on a monthly basis. Please call our Allissa Volk at 320-281-1280.
1st and 3rd Thursday
Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 9:00-11:00am in Xavier Hall. Learn to make rosaries, all supplies are provided. Easy to learn, we will teach you! All rosaries are donated to missions around the world. Last quarter over 5,000 rosaries were mailed out. Everyone is welcome. For questions call, Nita Davis at 214-455-4301. “The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times” Saint Padre Pio
Fridays, March 7 - April 11
Stations of the Cross will be prayed on Fridays at 5:30pm at SFX March 7 thru April 11 (Not Good Friday). This is a great way to add to your prayers during Lent. With the Stations of the Cross, we need volunteers –Ideally we have a cross bearer, 2 candle bearers and a prayer leader - 4 people. We can get by with 2, but 4 makes for a more reverent prayer experience. A sign up sheet is available in the parish library. You are welcome to call the parish office to offer to volunteer. This can be a great prayer to be lead by a family or combination of families and by youth. Please call Becky or Tom in the parish office 252-1363.
March 7 thru April 11
Stations of the Cross will be prayed on Fridays at 5:30pm at SFX March 7 thru April 11 (Not Good Friday). We need volunteers –Ideally we have a cross bearer, 2 candle bearers and a prayer leader - 4 people. We can get by with 2, but 4 makes for a more reverent prayer experience.
A sign up sheet is available in the parish library. You are welcome to call the parish office to offer to volunteer at 252-1363. This can be a great prayer to be lead by a family or combination of families and by youth.
“No longer was there manna for the Israelites, who that year ate of the yield of the land of Canaan.” - Joshua 5:12
Over the forty years that the Israelites journeyed through the desert, God provided them with manna to eat. As soon as they were able to enjoy the fruits of the Promised Land the manna ceased. Likewise, God’s blessings to us may change over the years but it is important to trust that God will always provide us with all that we need.
SCAP—-What is SCAP? It stands for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest. As part of our One In Christ ACC goals work with the Worship Committee, and prompted by some near misses during the COVID months, we researched how we would respond if the scheduled celebrant for a weekend Mass was suddenly not available due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the assembly was already gathering for worship, and there was no time to find a substitute. in the Absence of a Priest.
As part of our One In Christ ACC goals work with the Worship Committee, and prompted by some near-misses during the COVID months, we researched how we would respond if the scheduled celebrant for a weekend Mass was suddenly not available due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the assembly was already gathering for worship, and there was no time to find a substitute.
Using the existing Rite for such celebrations, and adapting it to our settings, the deacons and several lay persons from our ACC parishes have recently had training for leading Sunday worship with Communion if the situation occurs. Though the Rite would include the day's readings and Communion with the Hosts reserved in the tabernacle, the Rite is intentionally different in various ways from Mass to avoid confusion and foster the importance of praying for priestly vocations.
Should this situation occur, we will do our best to communicate the lack of Mass at a given parish as best as we can, announce and post door signs that include the location of other Masses in the area, and provide a meaningful and approved celebration of the Word and of Holy Communion for those who cannot reasonably attend another church. In such circumstances beyond a person's control, the Sunday obligation is suspended for that day. As noted above, it is our fervent hope that we will never pull this off the shelf, but it's wise to be ready.
Communication methods will be our next focus in this effort. It has also prompted us to consider best ways to reach our parishioners in general where we can do better to keep you informed, inspired, and engaged. The months during COVID when public Masses were not available, we experienced what a central place the Eucharist plays . In these times of the national Eucharistic Revival, your prayers for vocations are especially welcome and valuable.
Summer Impact
Summer 2025
Details for Summer Impact 2025 will be available in February. An informational meeting will be scheduled at that time. More details will be shared on Flocknote at the end of January.
All parish households should have received a time and talent survey in the mail. For those at church this weekend, we also have the surveys in the pews. Please prayerfully consider how you can share of your time and talents with the many ministries at St. Francis and more. We especially need Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Altar Servers, Ushers, and Foor Shelf help. Many of these can be done by couples and families.
We need you.
Summer 2025
GET READY FOR MOUNTAINS OF FUN!! Get ready for the summer event that points kids to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust! Here kids explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today and learn that Jesus is our true north. You can expect a week full of faith discoveries, memorable music, and epic adventures that help kids grow in friendship with Jesus! Registration packets are available in the gathering area for both volunteers and participants. Or reach out to Melissa and she can email you one.
CentraCare St. Cloud Hospital is currently accepting applications for volunteers of all ages. Youth may begin volunteering as soon as they are 14 years of age. Volunteers serve as warm and friendly ambassadors for the Saint Cloud Hospital and all CentraCare by supporting staff and patients through a variety of tasks throughout our facilities. Please contact Volunteer Services at (320) 255-5638 for more information or apply online at We hope to hear from you!
We are looking into the possibility of resuming the Saturday 3:30pm Mass. Many of you found this helpful prior to the outbreak of Covid. Might the LORD be calling you to help us on a monthly basis? Our elders and those in rehab are in need of your love and ministry. We would be in need of the various ministries for Mass such as sacristan, lector, eucharistic minister, etc. Please call our Volunteer Specialist Allissa Volk at 320-281-1280.
—Chaplain Fr David Grundman
All sessions follow Mass and include a light brunch.
*March 16, Ch. 3&4 @ St. Stephen 11:15 am: What does it mean to be a disciple? Where does it happen?
*March 23, Ch. 5&6 @ St. Francis Xavier 10:45 am: Why do people leave the church? What's the value of church to my life?
*March 30, Ch. 7&8 @ Annunciation 9:15 am: How do I listen to my friend's questions? Faith is a life journey.
April 6,, My Story @ St. Stephen 11:15am: Easy to share your favorite concert with family and friends but wondering how to share a great faith moment?
*Each chapter session offers a Jubilee Pilgrimage experience and sharing of a parish memory.
March 30
All sessions follow Mass and include a light brunch.
*March 30, Ch. 7&8 @ Annunciation 9:15 am: How do I listen to my friend's questions? Faith is a life journey. April 6,, My Story @ St. Stephen 11:15am: Easy to share your favorite concert with family and friends but wondering how to share a great faith moment? *Each chapter session offers a Jubilee Pilgrimage experience and sharing of a parish memory.
We are looking for volunteers who might be interested in becoming a Word & Communion Leader at Edgewood. We need a minister who is available the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am. Training provided. Its a wonderful gift to be able to bring the Eucharist to those who are in the Assisted Living & Memory Care Units
April 5-6
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;” Listen with your spouse for God’s message of love by exploring a Worldwide Marriage Encounter. The next weekend is: Apr 5-6, 2025 in BRAINERD, MN. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at or 507-227-8229.
YOUNG ADULTS Young Adult Team
We are now seeking some new members to serve on our Young Adult Team. We particularly would love some representation from Annunciation and St. Francis Xavier. Contact Jason Prigge for the details!
YOUNG LIFE Club Update
Don’t miss any upcoming Clubs! 6:15-6:45 PM Open Gym |
6:45-7:45 PM Club
*Wednesday, March 19th
*Wednesday, April 16th
*Wednesday, May 21st
YOUNG LIFE Summer Camp
Have you signed up for summer camp yet??? Register at:
YOUNG LIFE Donations
If you’d like to make a donation to our Wyldlife Area for either club supplies or for camp, please contact Jason via phone or email. We sincerely appreciate your contribution in our efforts making sure middle schoolers are known, loved and cared for.
YOUNG ADULTS One in Christ Volleyball Team
If you have interest in joining a One in Christ Young Adult (18-39) volleyball team, please reach out to Jason Prigge so we can begin planning!
Young Adult Team
We are now seeking some new members to serve on our Young Adult Team. We particularly would love some representation from Annunciation and St. Francis Xavier. Contact Jason Prigge for the details!
April 10
Join us for a special edition of Praise Night on Thursday, April 10th from 6-7 PM at St. Augs in St. Cloud. Young families are encouraged to attend!
One in Christ Volleyball Team
If you have interest in joining a One in Christ Young Adult (18-39) volleyball team, please reach out to Jason Prigge so we can begin planning!
YOUNG ADULTS Young Adult Bible Study
April 3
Join us as we wrap up our study with Pope Francis on Thursday, April 3rd at Sacred Heart from 7-8:30 PM. We’d love to see you there!
YOUNG ADULTS Young Adult Team
We are now seeking some new members to serve on our Young Adult Team. We particularly would love some representation from Annunciation and St. Francis Xavier. Contact Jason Prigge for the details
Club Update
Don’t miss any upcoming Clubs! 6:15-7:45PM
*Wednesday, April 16th
*Wednesday, May 21st
Summer Camp
Have you signed up for summer camp yet??? Camp is August 4-8. Register at: We’re proud to say we’re able to give each kid (up to 30 kids) $200 off! Register by March 19th to get this incredible deal.
If you’d like to make a donation to our Wyldlife Area for either club supplies or for camp, please contact Jason via phone or email. We sincerely appreciate your contribution in our efforts making sure middle schoolers are known, loved and cared for.
YOUNG LIFE Club Update
Don’t miss any upcoming Clubs!
*Wednesday, March 19th | 6:15-6:45 PM Open Gym | 6:45-7:45 PM Club
*Wednesday, April 16th | 6:15-6:45 PM Open Gym | 6:45-7:45 PM Club
*Wednesday, May 21st | 6:15-6:45 PM Open Gym | 6:45-7:45 PM Club
YOUNG LIFE Summer Camp
Have you signed up for summer camp yet??? Camp is August4-8. Register at: We’re proud to say we’re able to give each kid (up to 30 kids) $200 off! Register by March 19th to get this incredible deal.
Young Adult Praise Nights
4th Sunday of every month
Young Adult Praise Nights are debuting this month! All young adults (18-39), especially those with kids, come join us in Praise & Worship on the 4th Sunday of every month starting at 4:00 PM. Each month will feature Praise & Worship, Sacrament of Reconciliation and other prayer opportunities for everyone. The first one of the year is: Sunday, September 24th @ Sacred Heart. This event is in collaboration with All Called to Christ ACC.
Young Adult Team
Third Thursdays
We are now seeking additional members for the One in Christ young adult team! Those interested in visioning, planning, and executing events for young adult ministry will meet the following criteria:
A Young Adult (18-39)
Commit to bi-monthly meetings on the third Thursdays
Associated with Annunciation (Mayhew Lake), St. Francis Xavier (Sartell), or St. Stephen
[Bonus] if engaged, married, or married with kids
If interested in learning more about the team or young adult ministry, please contact Jason Prigge!