Melissa Fox
Director of Faith Formation
Grades 1 – 5; Baptism,First Sacraments & Confirmation,Grade 9 & 10
252-8761 Ext. 411

Jennifer Kaweesa
Youth Ministry and
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant
call 320-252-8761 ext. 412
Faith Formation
As a people of faith, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Catechesis - teaching the faith - is an essential work of the Church. Beginning in the home and permeating parish life, catechesis attempts to echo the faith in the lituugy, sacraments, words and works. Faith formation programs for children and adults present rich opportunities for all parishioners to grow closer to God and deepen their spiritual lives, both on an individual basis and as a community of faith. Programs are offered throughout the year for parishioners of all ages.
​Catholic Faith Formation education is more than the handing on of religious instruction. Its goal is growth in faith, which implies both formation and transformation, leading one to live out the Gospel as part of a believing community.
Religious education is a lifelong process. Everyone including the Catechist, is always a learner. Catholic education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church. Through education, the church seeks to prepare its members to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action.
Mission Statement
We as Religious Education/Faith Formation staff are committed to assist parents in the faith formation of their children and youth by providing resources and support. We do this by offering the opportunity for religious instruction, worship, prayer and service.
Parents have the right and the duty to transmit this heritage of faith to their children: to help them find their own identity, to initiate them to the life of the Church, to foster the responsible exercise of their moral freedom and their ability to love on the basis of their having been loved and, above all, to enable them to encounter God."
Children experience human growth and maturity to the extent that they trustingly accept this heritage and training which they gradually make their own. They are thus enabled to make a personal synthesis between what has been passed on and what is new, a synthesis that every individual and generation is called to make.
Sharing our Faith together-Our Partnership with Parents.
Family and church based on faith formation together constitute a vital partnership in the nurturing of the faith of children and youth. We believe parents are the first and foremost Catechists (teachers) of their children.
The St. Francis Xavier Faith Formation programs and process are guided by the following principles:
1. Faith formation is a lifelong process that includes everyone.
2. Our Catholic faith tradition comes alive when we enter into relationships with others, especially our family, and through actively sharing in the life of the parish community, especially in worship, sacraments, fellowship and
outreach to the greater community.
3. In order to have a living faith, every individual needs a basic knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Church.