Christian Women
We are women of the parish, single or married regardless of motherhood. WE ARE YOU! St. Monica Christian Women started in 1940 when a group of Sartell women from Sacred Heart Parish decided to form a Christian Women group. Their first meeting was held at the Village Hall in Sartell. In 1940, the main purpose was to keep women aware of their high vocation and to aid them spiritually, especially in the character formation of their children. They received instruction on Christian family living, made social contacts, and had a chance to work for their parish and community while sharing in the prayers and good works of other Christian Women. In the 68 years since that group began, a lot has changed but a lot has stayed the same.
The Christian Women of St. Francis Xavier provide educational opportunities, leadership preparation, spiritual enrichment, and prayerful support for the women of our parish. We involve ourselves in social justice issues that happen locally such as “Kids Against Hunger” where we enlisted the congregation’s help during the month of November. We asked parishioners to empty their pockets of loose change in the collection basket. With the addition of $500 from our group, $3,400 was raised—feeding a total of 30,000 people locally and globally.
An Invitation to All Women at​ St. Francis Xavier Parish
We would like to invite all women, who are members of St. Francis Xavier Parish, to consider joining the St. Monica's Christian Women Organization. The purpose of this organization is to come together as a group of women to support each other as well as support efforts of our parish and our community. We are a group of very generous and hard-working women.
Last year, through our efforts, we distributed over $7,300.00 to meet many worthwhile needs. As a group, we meet about 5 times, between September and May, to pray together, share, and discuss upcoming events and activities.
We would be very pleased to have you join us.
Our members are asked to pay a $10.00 per year membership due. The $10.00 dues helps support the needs of the organization as well as activities and requests that may occur throughout the year.
If you are already a member we want to say thank you! We truly do appreciate all of our members.
If you feel you may be interested in becoming a member,
if you have questions, or if you would like more information before you make your decision, please contact the parish office 252-1363.
St. Moncia's Activities:
Annual coffee cake or Franny Bread sale on Palm Sunday weekend raises over $1000.00.
Annually $600.00 goes to purchase sacramental gifts for Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage.
Annual Madonna Auction raised over $1000.00 for the Water for Life program. The Madonna Auction has been at SFX for 44 years.
January's "Baby Shower" for Jesus provides donated items to Birthline.
Sartell area Church Craft Sale.
Donated $300.00 for the purchase of cots for the mission group in Guatemala.
Volunteer yearly for the Poor Clare Tea by service and donated foods with proceeds going to defray fuel costs for the Poor Clare Monastery.
We pray the Rosary the 1st Saturday of the month before 5:00 p.m. Mass.
We pray the Rosary for deceased Christian Women at their wakes and for their family members.