Knights of Columbus
Bishop Trobec Council #5276
The Knights of Columbus exemplify 4 principals - charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church, pro-life, families, and vocations.
If you are interested in joining the Knights, call
Dan Kurowski 241-7715
Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 at St. Mary's in New Haven, Ct. as an organization committed to Unity as a Catholic lay organization, Charity to those in need and Fraternity with fellow brother knights.
¨Today, Knights and their families remain true to these principles and work to spread Columbianism around the world. You and your family will benefit from membership in the Knights of Columbus. Join today and help make a better tomorrow.
Membership Requirements: Male, Practical Catholic, 18 years old, payment of annual dues - currently $25.00. Membership includes a free $1000 - $2,500 accidental death benefit for a member and spouse.
For more information please contact: Tom Offerdahl, Grand Knight at 290-3228 Jerry Hettwer, Financial Secretary at 251-1427
Church Activities
Annual Mass for vocations and Pro-Life
Prayer service at wakes
Honorary Pall Bearer for Brother Knights
Participate in Ordination receptions for newly Ordanied Priests and Deacons
Good Friday Closing (for local businesses)
Community Activities
Annual Roses for Pro-Life Fund Drive
Annual Tootsie Roll Fund Drive
Annual Bingo and Turkey Party Raffle
Council Activities
Annual planning meeting and Social
Monthly Meetings
Annual Membership Recruitment Drives
Family Activities
Annual Mass for deceased members
Marathon for Non-Public Education
K of C Family Picnic
Breakfast for Vocations
Youth Activities
Annual Free-throw contest
Annual Christmas party and St. Nicholas party at SFX School
Annual Living Rosary (with Religious Education Students)